Thursday, August 14, 2008

Golf Day

It was a beautiful day yesterday, so daddy took us to the driving range. While mommy hit balls, daddy took me for a stroll around the range. While daddy hit balls, mommy would take me for a stroll. They are getting me started early on this whole golf thing.


The Youngs said...

It's the next female version of TIger Woods!! I am so bummed I counldn't make it over there this next weekend with Rachel! You will have to send photos of the baptism and I can't wait to meet her and of course you guys too! Much love from the incredibly hot Fresno area!!! (only 105 today!)

teridiane said...

Dustin will love to hear that! I'm sure our baby girl will be spending a lot of time on the golf course too! Looks like you guys are enjoying being mommy and daddy. (Hope you're getting your rest too - ha) :)